
NewAuth allows the loading of foreign plugins to extend its features. These plugins are loaded at the end of the creation of the application after models, routes and other settings have been loaded.

Plugins follow the architecture of a Flask extension.

Example plugin

This is an example of a NewAuth plugin that hooks into different signals and add a route to the admin.

class ExamplePlugin(object):
    """Example plugin for NewAuth"""

    def __init__(self, app=None):
        if app:

    def init_app(self, app): = app"ExamplePlugin enabled.")

        # Registering events

        # Registering template hooks
        if not hasattr(app, 'admin_user_hooks'):
            app.admin_user_hooks = [self.admin_user_hook]
        if not hasattr(app, 'dashboard_hooks'):
            app.dashboard_hooks = [self.dashboard_hook]

        # Registering routes
        app.add_url_rule('/admin/example', 'example_route', self.admin_example_route)

        # Registering to navbar
        app.navbar['admin'].append(('fa-info', 'Example Route', '/admin/example'))

    def login_success(self, app, user):
        current_app.logging.debug('Login success')

    def login_fail(self, app, user):
        current_app.logging.debug('Login fail')

    def admin_user_hook(self, user):
        return 'This will be displayed on the user\'s admin profile'

    def dashboard_hook(self, user):
        return 'This is a dashboard widget'

    def admin_example_route(self):
        return 'This is an extra route'

LDAP Plugin

NewAuth ships with a LDAP plugin that allow the application to save its user data to a LDAP directory.


SYNC_LDAP_ADMIN_USER = 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org'
SYNC_LDAP_BASEDN = 'dc=example,dc=org'
SYNC_LDAP_MEMBERDN = 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=org'

Management commands

python ldap import_users [--user_id $USER_ID]

This command will import all users in SYNC_LDAP_MEMBERDN. We recommend making a backup of your LDAP server before though. If you include add –user_id it will only import this user.

Tasks Dashboard

NewAuth is using Celery to leverage some heavy tasks to the background, by default, no dashboard is available because it requires an external dependency. If you so wish, you can get a basic dashboard available to your admin and a better more functional one for your IT team. More information about Flower can be found here.


This plugin requires you to install Flower, a Celery dashboard providing a REST API.

pip install flower

We also need to run Flower alongside NewAuth and Celery with:

celery -A newauth.tasks flower --address= --port=5555


To enable Tasks Dashboard, add newauth.plugins.tasks_dashboard.TasksDashboard to the PLUGINS setting.

This plugin only requires one setting:

CELERY_FLOWER_URL = '  # Note the trailing slash